Sunday, November 29, 2009

Kisses from Mr. Twining

Brad handed me my school binders today after he found out I was searching for them.
I thankfully accepted them, and then gave him a thank you kiss.
Then, all the sudden, I felt it. I felt that feeling you get when you know you are kissing your sole mate. The feeling of so much love, devotion, and appreciation wrapped up in one kiss. I got weak. I dropped my binders; I felt so weightless. I love those kisses. Thank you for 2 years of wonderful kisses. Anniversary: 11/30/09

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My Husband = Genius

So, Brad was apart of this innovation and creativity boot camp here at BYU for all Information Technology majors. They divided the class into groups to come up with a new way to improve existing things. Brad's team chose to improve the math lab at BYU, which is in some serious need of help! They presented there idea tonight and WON!!!! And they didn't just win a dumb certificate or $5 gift card to the BYU book store, but they won $50 gift cards to!!!! HALLELUJAH! Now we can finally get a digital camera that we desperately need because both of ours are broken! We are blessed! Thanks for being cool and smart and wonderful Bradley Joel!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

In Need Of a Break

Do you ever realize you feel worn out, tired, and are counting down the days til' your holiday break, just to complete all the other countless tasks that you have been putting off during your pre-break activities?

Well, I do. I am counting down the days til' Thanksgiving break so I can have a day of relaxation, and the rest will be spent completing my internship paper that I never seem to actually sit down and do.

Do you have similar experience? Are you vacations solely for relaxation, or do you have a "stay-cation" to do list?

About Me

My photo
Brad and Leslie meet in Maryland when Brad was about to turn 3 and Leslie was just born. They grew up in the same ward for a while and eventually got married when Leslie was only 19 and Brad was 22. They are currently attending school at BYU. Brad is an Information Technology major, and Leslie is a Public Health major. They plan to stay in UT for 4 years and go to grad school during that time. Leslie and Brad are expecting a baby September 22, 2010. They are so excited!