Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Music Makes Me Lose Control!

I LOVE MUSIC!! And recently, there have been a ton of good songs out there that make you feel good and happy when you listen to them.
Here they are, Enjoy!

Hey, Soul Sister - Train

A Beautiful Mess- Jason Mraz

Fireflies- Owl City

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Is this Real???

7 Weeks

Preparing for this pregnancy was a big deal. Brad and I got extra insurance coverage, we weighed the pros and cons of having a baby in school, and I researched having a baby ALL the time! It was a pretty consuming thought, needless to say.

Now that I am pregnant, I feel way overwhelmed by all the stuff that goes along with a baby (all the stuff needed for a baby, or not needed). Does a baby really need a diaper warmer? Can't I just use a regular swaddling blanket, instead of ones with Velcro? Is all of this stuff necessary? Do I need it? The biggest question I ask is, will it truly save me time and sanity if I purchase this product? Every mother and ever baby is different. It's great to get advice, but what do I need to just try on my own?

The one thing I am really, really excited about are all the midwife visits. I'm kinda a health nerd, but I am so looking forward to hearing the heart beat, getting an ultrasound, see the baby for the first time in my tummy, and finding out what we are having. I am not so concerned about motherhood as I am about overwhelming "Producthood". Thoughts?

11 weeks

Monday, March 1, 2010

Beauty School Drop Out...

Last week I withdrew from 7 of my 13 credits. It was a really difficult decision, but one that I know had to be made. Despite the surprised flexibility of all my teachers and TA's, I still couldn't seem to follow along in all my classes. Each day, as I fell further behind, it was harder to go to class, very stressful, and making my immunities even weaker than what they already are due to pregnancy. Right now, I'm taking two health courses. They are easy, and I enjoy the balance I have now. I'm able to take naps if I get sick. I'm able to stay healthier. It's a great thing.

Luckily my momma came in town. It was great to have her. I was crying out for support, and she was there to give it to me. She came at a time when I needed her most. She helped me through my kidney stone, and the worst days of nausea. Thank you so much Mom! I love you!!!

Brad and I during my 7th week. That day, I felt great!!!!

About Me

My photo
Brad and Leslie meet in Maryland when Brad was about to turn 3 and Leslie was just born. They grew up in the same ward for a while and eventually got married when Leslie was only 19 and Brad was 22. They are currently attending school at BYU. Brad is an Information Technology major, and Leslie is a Public Health major. They plan to stay in UT for 4 years and go to grad school during that time. Leslie and Brad are expecting a baby September 22, 2010. They are so excited!