7 Weeks
Preparing for this pregnancy was a big deal. Brad and I got extra insurance coverage, we weighed the pros and c
ons of having a baby in school, and I researched having a baby ALL the time! It was a pretty consuming thought, needless to say.
Now that I am pregnant, I feel way overwhelmed by all the stuff that goes along with a baby (all the stuff needed for a baby, or not needed). Does a baby really need a diaper warmer? Can't I just use a regular swaddling blanket, instead of ones with
Velcro? Is all of this stuff necessary? Do I need it? The biggest question I ask is, will it truly save me time and sanity if I purchase this product? Every mother and ever baby is different. It's great to get advice, but what do I need to just try on my own?
The one thing I am really, really excited about are all the midwife visits. I'm kinda a health nerd, but I am so looking forward to hearing the heart beat, getting an ultrasound, see the baby for the first time in my tummy, and finding out what we are having. I am not so concerned about motherhood as I am about overwhelming "
Producthood". Thoughts?

11 weeks