Thursday, April 22, 2010

Booger Picking, Prune Eating, Poopy Pants

Pregnancy come with many fun adventures, experiences and life-long memories. For most, it is a joy to feel the first kick, hear the heartbeat for the very first time, and to watch as their belly grows.

Here are some of the "joys" I've experienced recently:

  • I have had a nasty stuffy and bloody nose since 12 weeks. Tissues don't do the trick, so I seriously have to pick my nose to relieve the pain and blockage. Most of the time I moisten q-tips with nasal spay and 'pick' my nose that way. I feel like a child that doesn't stop picking their nose, but I honestly can't help it. I have to breathe, right?
  • Second joy I've experienced will have to be told in a story. Yesterday I went to the BYU creamery to have a cheeseburger and ice cream with my friend who is graduating. I was so excited to see her, and I felt great. We ate, talked, and then I walked home after she asked if she could give me a ride home. Note to self: When your pregnant, NEVER turn down rides home! I said no thanks, I need to get some exercise, then I began to walk. When I turned on Brier, I felt like I needed to go to the bathroom. It just hit me all the sudden! Wow, am I going to be able to make it home? Just make it to Cherry Lane, Just make it to
    Cherry Lane I kept telling myself (that's the street I live one). Well, I made it to cherry lane, but I didn't make it home. I stopped. OH NO! I totally pooped all in my brand new Khaki maternity Capri's. Thank God I was wearing a jean jacket!! As I started tying it around my waste a neighbor wanted to stop and chat. Oh no, I don't want to be rude, but I don't want to stand here as my number 2 goes down my leg. So, I told her I need to be home for a call, and walked as quickly as I could. I'll spare you the clean-up details, but lets just say it was a horrific experience I NEVER want to happen again. After I showered, I just laid in bed. Then I got to thinking, What could have caused my intense accident? Was it something I ate? I realized then that I had made a big mistake. I'd been craving prunes. I knew they were dangerous to the bowls, but I ate a whole bag in one sitting because they tasted so good. Second note to self: no matter HOW GOOD something is, be careful how much you eat. Needless to say, the prunes were so not worth it. Thankfully I have a great husband who took my soiled clothes to the laundry mat right away.
  • Perhaps I'll feel the first kick soon- a real joy of motherhood!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

On The Move!

Brad and I are moving for the 4th time in 2.5 years of marriage. This time, we've hit the jackpot! We are moving to 200south, 136west.

Here are some of the Stats:
-1,050 square feel (our biggest place so far)
-built in 2008 (way nice and new!)
- washer and dryer (YAY!)
- two bedrooms!!
-1.5 baths
-dishwasher, full-sized fridge, stove and microwave
-granite counters

We're going to live in the cream portion on the first floor, apt.111

The Courtyard Area

Our beautiful kitchen!!!

YAY! Move in day is on the 26th. Packing til then.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Semester from H-E-double hockey sticks

In exactly 2 weeks and 2 days the winter 2010 semester will be over. Mr. Twining is so excited to not be stretched so thin, and I'm excited that Mr. Twining will not be stretched so thin. This semester Brad has averaged 30+ hours a week of work. The work that Brad does is not something like busing or waitressing where you can leave the job when you get off. Brad constantly has to trouble shoot computer problems and coding problems til wee hours of the morning, and when his boss calls for him to fix a problem, he has to fix it then and there, no matter the time of day.

Poor Brad is taking statistics and 4 IT classes this semester that are packed with big projects they are making for the company HP and lots of work! On top of school work Brad wakes up every morning and makes me breakfast so I don't get sick, washes the laundry because the big Costco size laundry soap we bought makes me vomit, and washes the dishes. What a saint!

Brad, you're amazing. I'm sorry that pregnancy has messed your wife up so much. I'll make it up to you, I promise! Hang in there for two more weeks. You can do it!

About Me

My photo
Brad and Leslie meet in Maryland when Brad was about to turn 3 and Leslie was just born. They grew up in the same ward for a while and eventually got married when Leslie was only 19 and Brad was 22. They are currently attending school at BYU. Brad is an Information Technology major, and Leslie is a Public Health major. They plan to stay in UT for 4 years and go to grad school during that time. Leslie and Brad are expecting a baby September 22, 2010. They are so excited!