- She LOVES her mom and dad. While she prefers mom over dad, she still missed Brad while he was in Vegas for 5 days. As soon as Brad walked in the door from his trip her face lit up with excitement, and she was literally jumping for joy to see him. When she got in her exersaucer that night, I've never seen her jump so hard, as if to say, "Dad! Look what I can do." She knows us, and loves us. That unconditional love is unlike anything we've ever felt.
- Ruby has proven to be quite the drama queen, or just a typical girl I guess. She cries if you leave her sight (she's going through her stranger/anxiety phase). She cries when mommy passes her off to anyone, even if it is just for a little while. When granny came out to visit she said she's never seen a baby so attached to their mother. Ruby wants me to hold her all the time! I've gotten to the point where sometimes I just wear her in my infant carrier Melani made me because I'm sick of hearing the whining, and I NEED to get stuff done. So, she's strapped to me when I vacuum (she's scared of it), when I do the dishes, when I make her baby food, and when we go for walks. Other than that I try to get her to play with toys on the floor, enjoy her jumper, etc. Teaching her independent play has proven rather difficult. However, I don't mind holding her. She's growing so fast, I don't ever want to have the regret that I didn't hold her enough, because I know soon she won't want to be held.
- Ruby loves technology, just like her daddy. Cell phones, Ipods, laptops, anything with a screen that has colors and makes noises, she's crazy for it. Every time we Skype with the family I have to set back the laptop really far so she can't reach it, and yet, she still lunges for it!
- Ruby sits up on her own, rolls over both ways, supports her head really well, and eats cereal, green beans, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, and apples. This coming month I'm going to introduce avocado and bananas. I've enjoyed making my own baby food. Not only does it save money, but I feel it's better for her.
- Ruby loves the outdoors. We take a walk ever single day- rain, snow, clouds, sun we are outside! Whenever she gets fussy, but I know she's had a nap and ate, I know she needs her outdoor fix.
- We got to go to the park on a nice day with friends a few weeks ago, and Ruby had her first experience with the swings. She stayed in the swing for 20 minutes while I pushed her back and forth. It was a fun experience.
- Ruby sleeps through the night, and has been doing so for 2+ months so far, and it's been fabulous, especially because she's so demanding throughout the day now that she's teething and always seems to catch a bug at church.
- Speaking of church, I seriously want to become inactive, because Ruby gets sick EVERY TIME we go to church!!! She's sick all week, get better around Friday night, we go to church on Sunday, and then she's sick by Monday morning. I don't know why she always gets sick then, I don't even let a lot of people hold her! Ugh, it's really frustrating, but I know church is important, so I'm trying really hard not get upset after she gets sick.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Ruby is 6 months!
Our sweet baby girl is 6 months- we just can't believe it! Brad and I love being Ruby's parents. Here are some things to note about our ever-growing girl:
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About Me
- The Little Twining's
- Brad and Leslie meet in Maryland when Brad was about to turn 3 and Leslie was just born. They grew up in the same ward for a while and eventually got married when Leslie was only 19 and Brad was 22. They are currently attending school at BYU. Brad is an Information Technology major, and Leslie is a Public Health major. They plan to stay in UT for 4 years and go to grad school during that time. Leslie and Brad are expecting a baby September 22, 2010. They are so excited!