Friday, October 10, 2008


So I found out somewhat recently(in the past year or so) that I am colorblind. Now this doesnt mean that I cant see colors, or that everything is grey to me. I am what is called "red-green" colorblind, or color-defiecient. I have difficulty seeing some shades of green and red colors. Often, I'll put on a shirt and Leslie will tell me "You cant wear that green shirt with " I say, "But, isn't my shirt brown?"

Its really bad with wierd colors of red. Thats not red, its maroon---same thing to me. heres a couple tests for you few readers(ie my family) I'm interested if anyone else in our family has this fun thing. Let's start with just some classic dot-circle thingys.
Nice and simple...what do you see? Hopefully you see a 25...if you dont, I dont know what's wrong with you....

This one should be a 45. If you're like me, you dont see anything, just dots.

This should be a 6. If youre like me....just spots.

This final one of spots. a little easier. If you're "normal" you should see a 5. However, if you're like me, you'll see a 2 rather plainly.

I think that you should only see a gradient of color from dark red to lighter red if you're "normal." If youre like me, you will see a HUGE number 6 right in the middle.

Any one else like me?


angelalois said...

bradford, when did you find this out? have you been checked out and stuff? I saw everything fine I think. ONe of my eyes is funktified and I have glasses that I hate to wear. But should wear. Hmm. I still like you tho!

Daddio said...

I can see the correct numbers in all those spots, but that "5" is a bit vague. On first glance it looked like an "8" ...

I could barely make out the last one contained a "6" had to really look hard for the outline of the number there.

Kurt said...

Yeah, Melani agrees with Leslie. I think I've got the same problem as well. I have to strain to try to see the numbers you said. If you didn't say what I'm supposed to see I don't think I'd get anywhere close to the right number. I easily saw the 6 on the last one, but not completely. The top of it was kind of cut off..... Mel saw all of the correct numbers and is now completely convinced that I am somewhat color blind. Interesting you found this out.

About Me

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Brad and Leslie meet in Maryland when Brad was about to turn 3 and Leslie was just born. They grew up in the same ward for a while and eventually got married when Leslie was only 19 and Brad was 22. They are currently attending school at BYU. Brad is an Information Technology major, and Leslie is a Public Health major. They plan to stay in UT for 4 years and go to grad school during that time. Leslie and Brad are expecting a baby September 22, 2010. They are so excited!