Wow....I have neglected this for quite some time...quick update before I get into the meat of this post.
I am happily enjoying my new Computer Support job at BYU. I am learning a ton with my co-worker and boss, and hopefully this will be a good resume booster. Leslie, however has learned that she will more than likely not have a job with Sister Morgan next year. Sad day. But she is looking for opportunities to build her resume as well.
Classes are going great. I am learning aLOT in physics, which is more interesting than my freshman year physics. I am able to stay on top of my homework and labs, and currently have a 98%... granted the first test hasn't happened yet. Leslie is doing awesome in her classes. She's taking a 400 level health class which focuses on women's health. She even started a blog devoted to child birth and news, etc. check it out: I'm, so proud!!
So, onto my topic for today, and maybe even for a few posts...Ctrl-Z. I got a stress ball once that had Ctrl-Z on it in big bold black letters. This Ctrl-Z in the computing world it the shortcut to Undo something we didn't want done. These past few weeks I am attempting to undo something that took much longer to happen than the time it took me to post this blog. It's not as easy to undo as Ctrl-Z, but it has to get done.
I have neglected my body for the better part of a decade. 15 years even. This new year I have many "resolutions" and they all tend to focus around one thing : me and my body. I signed up for a weight-lifting course. This is a course where your final grade is not how much you improve. Its based on how much of your body weight you can do. There's 3 parts to the final:
1. A written exam--open book, piece of cake, 100 points.
2. A muscle strength test---how much of your body weight you can do how many times 114 points
3. A muscle fitness test.--how many time you can do a pull-up, sit-up, push-up and dip. 155 points
So,quick recap of #2 : 6 exercises. Bench-press, Arm curl, Leg curl, Leg Extension, Lat-pulldown and sit-ups. your grade is based on how many times you can do each exercise with a given percentage of your body weight. In order for me to be considered superior, I need to bench 200 pounds 19 times. Fat chance.
Quick recap of #3: 4 exercises, each repetition of an exercise equals one point. 60 max sit ups, 50 max push-ups, 20 max dips, 25 max pull-ups. Or something like that. 25 pull ups. Fat chance.
OH, did I mention that this class in only half a semester long, so I have approx 7 total weeks to do this?
So why am I putting myself through a course that I am destined to fail? Because it gives me reason. I see this A as an impossible feat, but just that idea is what gives me hope and gives me strength. I will get an A in this class. not just for the sake of an A, but for me.
What also helps a TON is the fact that this professor, Dr. Allsen, is the bomb. He is willing to work with anyone who walks through the door. He told stories of people who were blind, had one leg, or were severely overweight, like me. They were willing and he was willing, and they got an A in his class. he said the first day "You may not earn your A in these 8 weeks, but if it takes a year, you can get an A in this class. I will go and change the grade on your transcript, as long as you're willing." So I went up and talked with him and he is working with me. I'll tell you how in a few moments.
Since the start of this semester, I have been to the weight room every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I have added over 30 pounds to my bench press. Every single one of my exercises has increased by at least 30 pounds. I can already receive full credit in the leg curl, leg extension and arm curl exercises. I feel like I'm increasing little by little every day, and I feel great! Also, every Monday Wednesday and Friday I am either on the track running or working at the BO(I consider that exercise, carrying a bucket full of glasses back and forth...definately exercise!) I ran a mile for the first time in years the week before, and I thought I was gonna die. Last Friday I ran 15 minutes without stopping, I ran an extra lap than I did when I did the mile.I already feel so blessed with this new program I've started.
Dr. Allsen also is working with me to develop a new nutrition program. Exercise isn't complete without diet, and vica versa. I can go into more detail about that later if you want, but I feel that this is next big obstacle for me to overcome. I'm working out, lifting, and feeling great. Now I need to see if I can eat right on top of it all....