- Babies...even if I don't have my own, I love looking at my friends children, playing with them, holding them, etc. I love it when they give you a toothless corner smile, it just melts my heart away.
- The SUN! It has been so beautiful here in Utah in February of all months!? I'm actually outside typing this blog with the sun warming every inch of me. How therapeutic! How wonderful!
- My Neighborhood has to be the most idyllic in Provo. I hear the BYU bell tower chime, waking me at 7am almost every morning, kids are constantly riding their scooters and playing in our not so busy streets, my visiting teaching companion lives next door, and the creamery is only a 2 minute walk from my house, and during the dinner time rush I can smell the delicious greasy hamburger smell as soon as I walk out my door.
- Spring! Spring is a time of rebirth, rejuvination, life. I love going through every last inch of my house to clean it and get rid of items to go to DI. I love seeing the little girls in church with cute pastel dress and white gloves. I especially love being outside planting pansies or any other plant for that matter. I love that my birthday is in the spring. Not too hot, not too cold; perfect!
- Really good inspirational non-fiction books about people who have devoted part, or most of their life to helping others in foreign countries. 3 Cups of Tea, and Monique and the Mango Rains are the two I would recommend.
- The excitement of the unknown. The past few weeks I've been really stressed about the unknown. When and where to complete my internship, when to have children, will I EVER graduate?, where to move, etc. But today I realized that the unknown is exciting. I can plan and prepare for life as much as possible, but sometimes I have to give up my worries to the Lord and move forward in faith. I know God has great plans for Brad and I, so I need not worry.