Okay...Brad and I have been married over a year now, and we don't have kids. Given those two circumstances, we still don't go out on real DATES very much any more. With school, work, church, and a house to take care of, a date usually consists of a NetFlix movie (which I don't mind).
Every once in a while I love to actually do something date'ish', like: go to a play, a concert, mini-golfing, etc. President Temple was right when he told us on our wedding day to still go on dates with each other. We get to talk, leave behind certain stressors, and just have a good time (check out of real life if you will).
This Saturday we did something date'ish', and it was fantastic. BYU preformed Millie, and it was just blissful. I miss the stage very much, so its great that I have a husband who actually likes musicals. It's the best!
The show was amazing, and cheap. I cooked a nice dinner at home, we dressed up, and off we went. Ahhhh...I love dates....
It's so important to get out of the house and go on dates. Shaner and I are guilty of not doing it enough. Once I planned to do something every month, something big and exciting. We went showshoeing, snowmobiling, to see a play, to a museum, etc. It was awesome. Shane sometimes likes musicals, but I always have to ask really sweetly :-) and sometimes they are far cheesier than I remember. Oh well, he's stuck with me!
We've found on a limited budget if you want to do something other than a Netflix movie (we do Redbox and get free codes- we're so cheap) you really only can do something once a month or once every other month. When we were in Provo we always went out and did things. We'd go to free concerts, we'd go to Friday night movies in the Tanner building with Stephanie, we'd go out to dinner (starving student card was our friend), and we'd have friends over from the ward to play games (or go to their place). When you have kids it is definitely harder to get out, but we almost always make a point to get to the temple once a month. Since it is an hour away it turns out to be a date because we attend a session or do sealings and then stop somewhere for dinner on the way home. It is nice to be out together and spend some time talking and continuing to kindle the love in your relationship together.
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