Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What Shall We Give?


Anyone overwhelmed with the commercialism of the Christmas season?

Here's My List of Things to do this season:
  1. Give meaningful, personal, or useful gifts to family and friends.
  2. Be a secrete Santa.
  3. Bake cookies with Granny.
  4. Eat cookies with Granny.
  5. Read the Christmas story in Luke.
  6. Watch uplifting Christmas movies with my family.
  7. Put up all my nativity scenes.
  8. Look for people who need help.
  9. Give to our churches mission fund.
  10. Take Ruby to see the lights in Ocean City.
  11. Go home and enjoy spending time with family and friends.
That doesn't sound too bad, does it?

Friday, December 3, 2010

Happy 3 year Anniversary Mr. Twining

Happy Anniversary Mr. Twining!
I love you so much more now than I ever have;
I never thought it would be possible to love you more,
but I do!
I love the way you can cheer me up when I'm having a bad day.
I love when you tell me I'm the hottest mom ever.
I love when you encourage me to reach my true potential.
I love how tender you are with Ruby,
she's so blessed to have a wonderful dad like you!
I love that you love my family.
I love that you are so successful at everything you do.
I love that you hate waking up in the morning,
and sometimes I have the privileged of waking you up.
I love how opened and honest we are with each other;
I can tell you anything!
I love that we've been married 3 years!


My baby girl slept 8 hours last night.
From 8:30pm-4:50am I slept too!
I didn't wonder if she was okay, or when she was going to get up.
I just slept.
It was wonderful.
I hope it happens again!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Two Month Update!

Ruby was 2 months old last week! It's amazing how wonderful these past two months have been. Here are a few things that went on this month:

- Ruby got her 2 month immunizations. She only cried a very little bit and slept a ton, but when she woke up, oh man, I couldn't console that child. So, I resorted to baby tylenol and it seemed to help a lot. When I checked her legs in the morning, where they put the shots in, they had knots in them. Poor baby!

-Brad officially accepted a job in Houston TX with an IT consulting firm called Pariveda. They seem like such a great company! It will be nice to have a "real job" with benefits, etc. May is our start date. We'll see how much Brad's senioritus kicks in even more until he graduates in April.

- Thankfully, my sweet mother has helped me maintain A's in my classes. Thanks for watching Ruby for me, you're amazing!

-Speaking of my amazing mom, she watched Ruby for us while Brad and I travled to TX to find out more about his company, etc. at the beginning of the month. Ruby missed me, but not as much as I missed her. I only cried twice! Luckily I had just enough milk stored for her for 2 days. I never want to pump again!

- Ruby loves standing, sitting up, and being around people. She's a very social child. If you leave the room she is in she starts to cry.

-Ruby is all smiles these days. We love her smiles.

-I've been training for my first 5k in 11 months. I've only been able to go on 3 runs. Yikes!

- I guess that's our update for now.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ruby is 1 Month!

I have been so busy being a mother, student, and employee that I've definitely neglected my blog posting. So, here is the condensed version of my crazy awesome month with Rubylicious!

1. Okay, a little bit about the labor and delivery. I'll spare you all the little details and just say it was the best experience of my life. Going naturally was hard, but not as hard as I thought it would be. I think God makes it more of an out of body experience for women so the pain is more tolerable. It helped to have a great support system and to be prepared. I'll probably go naturally again with the next baby. What?! I don't know if I can really think of a "next baby" right now.

2. A few minutes after Ruby was born I looked around and Brad, my doula, and Mom were balling their eyes out. It made me feel weird because I didn't cry. I had such a rush of excitement, all I could say was " I freakin' did it!" Probably not the best choice of words, but I was so glad she was finally here and I didn't die. And then I proceed to dictate to the midwife that she had to hurry up and stitch me up already because I need to be with my baby. It's amazing how the motherly instincts kick in.

3. My recovery was amazing. Besides a nasty varicose vein and perinatal dermatsis all over my face, I was able to do the biggest loser dvd's a week after she was born. We even walked 3 miles together with me pushing her in the stroller. She LOVES the stroller. Probably because I walked so much with her while she was in the woomb.

4. Ruby has been a great eater. She eats all the time, in fact, too much. I had no idea I was overfeeding her until I called the pediatricians office complaining about her throwing up all the time. Stupid me. Her stomach is only the size of her fist!

5. She is already in 3 month clothes! She even wears some 3-6 month clothes form Gerber because they run a little smaller. The newborn clothes barely lasted 2 weeks! It's amazing how much she grows and changes every single day! I love watching her.

6. Ruby grunts all the time. It's cute, but on the baby monitor, its annoying when your trying to sleep and because you're a new parent you here EVERY noise that your child makes!

7. Speaking of Sleep, I don't really get a whole lot and what I do get it's because of my awesome mom. Let's just say Brad has made out like a bandit having mom here. He doesn't have to get up too much with her. Which is good because he needs sleep! It was really hard on him to go back to school and work the day after she was born, but someone has to pay the bills. I'm sure it would have been easier to have Ruby when he's out of school working in some amazing job, but I'm glad we have her now.

8. She's starting to smile more and open her eyes more. Gosh, I love her eyes! They are so big and beautiful. I can't wait to find out what color they are going to be. For now they are gray.

9. School has been difficult, therefore I have decided to take independent study courses next semester to be home with Ruby more. I don't like online classes, but I only have 5 classes and and internship left to get my degree. It would be silly to stop now.

10. I know I probably shouldn't brag, but Brad has got some sweet job offers this week. We're excited that he has been so successful. One guy from a company in Huston told him that he was BYU's top recruit! Way to go Brad. You're so smart and awesome. Ruby and I are so glad that you are the best dad ever!

11. Ok, that's it for now! Yay for Ruby napping, and yay for a blog update.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hybrid Diapering

So, most of you who know us have heard that we, well more like me, (Leslie) wants to do cloth diapering. I was very pro cloth diapering, but after taking my environmental biology class this summer, I realized that both cloth and disposable have their pros and cons.

Cloth Diapers

  1. It's WAY CHEAPER! If you are sissy about it and get a diapering service to launder them for you, then it probably won't be cheaper. But for the most part you can save about $1500 doing cloth diapering.
  2. They come in really cool colors and styles, so you can match them with any outfit.
  3. The diapers I'm using, FLIP and ECONOBUM are inexpensive and practical. I like the fact that they are NOT all-in-ones. I can get away with using only 2 covers per day and about 6-8 inserts depending on how much peeing and pooping Ruby does.
  4. Less Diaper rash!
  5. Less landfill waste.
  1. Not too convenient for traveling. However I can get disposable inserts that are biodegradable for my cloth covers.
  2. Higher electric bill (since we don't pay for water, luckily we don't have to worry about that expense.
  3. Lots of laundry. Luckily since I'm using the covers and inserts instead of the all-in-ones, laundry won't be that bad!
  4. More burning of fossil fuels for electricity, and more water use.
We spent a total of $114 on 6 diaper covers and 10 inserts. We're going to get more inserts once we figure out which ones we like the best. Since the first few weeks babies poop a lot, and because it will be easier on me for the recovery, I bought a pack of newborn pampers, and a pack of size 1 as well. We'll go full swing with cloth diapering once I'm feeling better and once Ruby stops having so many wet diapers in one day. I feel good about it. I'm not trying to kill myself going all out "granola girl" but I'm also trying my best to save money and not clog up the landfills with my child's non-biodegradable diapers.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Activities Committee Co-Chairs

We moved into our new church in may when we moved into our new apartment. We got callings about a month later to be on the activities committee. At our first committee meeting the entire committee told us they were moving, and wouldn't be able to make it to the big camp out on August 13-14. Great! We thought. We have no idea how this particular ward works, etc.

So everyone moves away and a week later we get called to be the co-chairs (the heads) of the activities committee. What? A week before we have activity that we have NO IDEA how to pull off or even where the campsite is located we get called? Why did they call us to such a time intensive calling when I'm do in a month? A million thoughts were going through my head when we heard that we were going to be the new co-chairs.

Soon I realized that everything would work out, because it ALWAYS does. The Lord always prepares a way for us to accomplish what he wants us to do. No matter how big or small the task. So, Sunday we got called, and yesterday was our first activity-just ourselves-no committee. Here's how it went (we were in charge of providing dinner):

  • Friday afternoon- Brad and I drive to the church to get coolers out of the shed. They key they gave us doesn't open. Call Bishop.
  • We realized we don't have the drinking cooler in the shed. Call bishop.
  • Go to closet and get all the paper products.
  • Go to costco. Momma Leslie sat down to a slice of pizza and ice cream while brad gets everything on our list. What a superstar!
  • Go to sunflower market to get cantaloupes that were on sale for 3 for a dollar!!
  • Go to walmart to get all the condiments plus a big container of powdered lemonade.
  • Go home, cut up all the tomatoes and onions for the hamburgers.
  • As the onions were being cut eyes were tearing noses were running. Those onions were so intense!!!
  • Wait for the Relief Society president to bring us the drinking cooler. Fill up the other one in the mean time with ice. Prepare to fill up the RS presidents cooler.
  • RS President's cooler gets filled up with lemonade and a ton of ice.
  • RS President's cooler has a leak. Leslie get's frustrated! Darn these coolers!
  • Leslie goes to load up all the light stuff, Brad is sweating his but off heaving the coolers into our little mazda.
  • Leslie tries to open the car door and spills the powered lemonade mix all over the road. Leslie laughs. She's too stressed to be mad any more!
  • Leslie and Brad are running way late, empty the cooler, and head out to the campsite that they don't know where it is. Traffic was so so bad.
  • Brad and Leslie get some help unloading the car. Brad grills tons of hamburgers and hot dogs. Leslie cuts up a watermelon and 6 cantaloupes all by herself.
  • Leslie and Brad are the last ones to eat. They make new friends, which made it all worth it.
  • Brad and Leslie get home before 10. They are exhausted!! They look to see if their lemonade is still on the road, or if someone guy at the liquor store thought it was crack. Final result:

Hypnobirthing Grads!

Well, if Brad and I aren't graduating from college before we have a baby at least we are official Hypnobirthing Graduates. After the initial shock of how all the pregnant ladies looked so perfect in the first class, I loved it! Here are some insights I have about the whole experience:
  • Driving to Murray every Wed. after a long day of classes was really hard. We would leave Provo at 5:30 and be in class from 6:3-9:30. I enjoyed the Wendy's runs after class was over. I always wanted a frosty when I was done hypnobirthing for some strange reason.
  • We got a lot for our money. I have looked up doing home study, or being taught by an independent hypno instructor out of their home or birthing center, and it was just way too expensive. I got 4 weeks of 3 hours classes for 150 dollars at the hospital in Murray. Other classes online went for about 300-400 dollars! No thanks!
  • Having classes in the hospital made it easier to prepare for the birth and learn how to relax in a hospital setting. I'm glad we didn't take classes in someones living room, because I'm not going to deliver my baby in a living room- at least I hope not.
  • Speaking of relaxing...Debbie (our instructor) would have us get in a comfortable position on the ground with our pillows and blankets and then she would go through a script (she would read a very imagery full script that would put us into deep relaxation. On the last day Brad was even snoring because he was so relaxed! When I went to scold him, he told me I was twitching and softly moaning like I do right before I go to bed (at least that's what he says I do)!
  • Yoga is very complementary to hypnobirthing. Doing yoga squats has helped to open up my pelvis, and the instructor talked about squatting during labor to help give the baby more room to ease down the birth path (they don't say birth canal).
  • Speaking of "birth path" hypnobirthing has it's own words for labor and birthing. A contraction isn't a contraction, it's a surge. Your husband isn't your birthing coach, but your birthing partner, etc.
  • Do I know the ultimate outcome of my birth, no! But do I feel confident in my abilities to birth my baby happy and safely, yes!
Brad and I look forward to meeting our little one in a month!

Check out the BIG BELLY!! I think Ruby's coming early!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Monthly Update, since that's all I seem to post on my blog anyway!!!

In three days I'll be officially 32 weeks pregnant. For me that means no more months trips to the midwife! I'll be going every other week--I thought I'd never get to this point, but here I am, ready or not, going to have a baby in 8 weeks or less!

Brad and I started Hypnobirthing classes last Wednesday in Murray. There were a lot of couples there, and most of them were tall, skinny, blonde mormon chicks. It made me mad to see that they were due the same time as me but didn't have a fat face, swollen feet, varicose veins in their legs, and their hair was perfectly done. Oh, and don't forget the makeup! I didn't get the memo that I had to be dressed to impress at these functions! Wearing my jean shorts and black t-shirt made me feel a little out of place!

Our hypnobirthing instructor, Debbie was this petite little women who looked like she could wrestle you to the ground with ease. Don't mess with Debbie!!! She gave us the introduction about how hypnobirthing came to be and why it was so important. All of this took 3 hours, and I was dying in those chairs. So I sat on a yoga ball for some of her lecture, walked around the room, or just stood there and swayed back and forth. I love to move and stand. Sitting for 3 hours is torture to me. Thankfully I wasn't like that lady in front of us who was on bed rest and had to lay on an uncomfortable bench with some pillows she brought from home.

Hypnobirthing uses intense relaxation techniques, dialogs, and affirmations to help you feel calm, and that birthing your baby is a natural process. My "birthing partner" (Brad) and I have to read the book and listen to the rainbow relaxation CD. So far I haven't made it past violet on the rainbow relaxation (the first color on the cd) without falling asleep. I guess the relaxation part is working! I'm sad I can't stay awake, because it was one of my assignments to pick a color that resinated with me so brad could read me that particular color dialouge when I give birth.

So fair my symptoms have shifted a little. I'm no longer super sensitive to smells, and I love that I can cook again. However, I'm still having shortness of breath and a racing heart. My lower back is killing me, and no matter what I do I can't seem to cool down. My varicose veins are getting bigger, and it seems that I now have stretch marks covering my entire body. But, despite all of my discomforts, I'm thankful that my weight gain had tapered off.

Brad and I bought a 2008 Mazda 3. It's a sporty gray color, and brad really likes it. Personally, I'm just glad to have something safer and more reliable for our expanding family!

Ok, that's about it! Brad takes the GRE this coming week, and I'll be done summer term in 3 weeks!!! Let's pray that Ruby holds out until then!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day/ Happy Little Miracles Day

Friday night into Saturday I lost my phone. Normally that wouldn't be a big big deal to people, but to me it was- and no, not because I'm addicted to it, or because I text too much. It was a big deal because what if people wanted to get up with me, and they couldn't? I don't have a home phone, so it is the main source of communication between me and my family members. Where could it be? I looked through my 50 billion bags (yes, I'm a bag lady), nope! not there. I looked through everything, then said a prayer to Heavenly Father to please help me find my phone, because there was no way I could afford another one.

I sat for a little while doing some work, and then I had a sudden stroke of genius. "Look in the box that the car seat came in." Not doubting, just desperate to locate my phone, I found it!! It was lying in the bottom of the big box that Ruby's car seat came in. Weird. Then I knew exactly how it got in there.

The night before I put my purse on top of the box to look for our ikea card before we went out to buy the last few things we needed for Ruby's nursery. It had to have dropped in then. I asked Brad the next day if we should throw the box away because it was taking up a lot of room. He said wait until she was born. Good idea Bradley, and good thing I listened to him!

Heavenly Father answers even the smallest prayers. Heavenly Father knows all, even when you think you know more, don't question him. I'm thankful that I found my phone. I love those little testimony builders!

Happy Father's Day!

Brad will kinda sorta be a father on Father's day today. I'm happy about this! For Father's day I'm making stake, baked potatoes, and asparagus. Another couple who we are having over is bringing salad and fruit pizza. It will be delicious.

I'm also letting Brad sleep in. Instead of waking him up, I'm going to let him sleep as late as he wants and then hit up the 11:40 ward instead of our 9am ward.

Happy Father's Day Bradley! I love you and know you'll be a great dad!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It's A GIRL!

So, I know that the people who actually read my blog already know this, but since it's not on here, I thought I'd just say that We're having a BABY girl!

Everyone would always ask if we wanted a boy or a girl. That question always startled me because you can't choose what you want, unless you're adopting. Personally, I nor brad didn't care what we were having, as long as it was a healthy and happy baby.

However, now that we're having a girl I'm excited! Here are a few reasons we can't wait!
  • frills, purple, and pinks, accessories, and hair bows!!!!!
  • dancing, singing, and laughing with her
  • playing dress up and dolls
  • seeing how she melts brad's heart into a puddle!
  • watching brad ALWAYS give her what she wants, within reason of course
  • SHOES! Do I have to say more?
  • Better and more clothing options!
Week 20! Half Way There!!!

Brad and I have decided to do hypno-birthing classes, and a prenatal class that includes a little breastfeeding education. We're excited!

Possible Name Choices:
  • Ruby Kate
  • Kate
  • Jane
  • Monica
  • Lilly
  • Violet
  • Jade
YAY for a little girl!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Booger Picking, Prune Eating, Poopy Pants

Pregnancy come with many fun adventures, experiences and life-long memories. For most, it is a joy to feel the first kick, hear the heartbeat for the very first time, and to watch as their belly grows.

Here are some of the "joys" I've experienced recently:

  • I have had a nasty stuffy and bloody nose since 12 weeks. Tissues don't do the trick, so I seriously have to pick my nose to relieve the pain and blockage. Most of the time I moisten q-tips with nasal spay and 'pick' my nose that way. I feel like a child that doesn't stop picking their nose, but I honestly can't help it. I have to breathe, right?
  • Second joy I've experienced will have to be told in a story. Yesterday I went to the BYU creamery to have a cheeseburger and ice cream with my friend who is graduating. I was so excited to see her, and I felt great. We ate, talked, and then I walked home after she asked if she could give me a ride home. Note to self: When your pregnant, NEVER turn down rides home! I said no thanks, I need to get some exercise, then I began to walk. When I turned on Brier, I felt like I needed to go to the bathroom. It just hit me all the sudden! Wow, am I going to be able to make it home? Just make it to Cherry Lane, Just make it to
    Cherry Lane I kept telling myself (that's the street I live one). Well, I made it to cherry lane, but I didn't make it home. I stopped. OH NO! I totally pooped all in my brand new Khaki maternity Capri's. Thank God I was wearing a jean jacket!! As I started tying it around my waste a neighbor wanted to stop and chat. Oh no, I don't want to be rude, but I don't want to stand here as my number 2 goes down my leg. So, I told her I need to be home for a call, and walked as quickly as I could. I'll spare you the clean-up details, but lets just say it was a horrific experience I NEVER want to happen again. After I showered, I just laid in bed. Then I got to thinking, What could have caused my intense accident? Was it something I ate? I realized then that I had made a big mistake. I'd been craving prunes. I knew they were dangerous to the bowls, but I ate a whole bag in one sitting because they tasted so good. Second note to self: no matter HOW GOOD something is, be careful how much you eat. Needless to say, the prunes were so not worth it. Thankfully I have a great husband who took my soiled clothes to the laundry mat right away.
  • Perhaps I'll feel the first kick soon- a real joy of motherhood!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

On The Move!

Brad and I are moving for the 4th time in 2.5 years of marriage. This time, we've hit the jackpot! We are moving to 200south, 136west.

Here are some of the Stats:
-1,050 square feel (our biggest place so far)
-built in 2008 (way nice and new!)
- washer and dryer (YAY!)
- two bedrooms!!
-1.5 baths
-dishwasher, full-sized fridge, stove and microwave
-granite counters

We're going to live in the cream portion on the first floor, apt.111

The Courtyard Area

Our beautiful kitchen!!!

YAY! Move in day is on the 26th. Packing til then.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Semester from H-E-double hockey sticks

In exactly 2 weeks and 2 days the winter 2010 semester will be over. Mr. Twining is so excited to not be stretched so thin, and I'm excited that Mr. Twining will not be stretched so thin. This semester Brad has averaged 30+ hours a week of work. The work that Brad does is not something like busing or waitressing where you can leave the job when you get off. Brad constantly has to trouble shoot computer problems and coding problems til wee hours of the morning, and when his boss calls for him to fix a problem, he has to fix it then and there, no matter the time of day.

Poor Brad is taking statistics and 4 IT classes this semester that are packed with big projects they are making for the company HP and lots of work! On top of school work Brad wakes up every morning and makes me breakfast so I don't get sick, washes the laundry because the big Costco size laundry soap we bought makes me vomit, and washes the dishes. What a saint!

Brad, you're amazing. I'm sorry that pregnancy has messed your wife up so much. I'll make it up to you, I promise! Hang in there for two more weeks. You can do it!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Music Makes Me Lose Control!

I LOVE MUSIC!! And recently, there have been a ton of good songs out there that make you feel good and happy when you listen to them.
Here they are, Enjoy!

Hey, Soul Sister - Train

A Beautiful Mess- Jason Mraz


Fireflies- Owl City


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Is this Real???

7 Weeks

Preparing for this pregnancy was a big deal. Brad and I got extra insurance coverage, we weighed the pros and cons of having a baby in school, and I researched having a baby ALL the time! It was a pretty consuming thought, needless to say.

Now that I am pregnant, I feel way overwhelmed by all the stuff that goes along with a baby (all the stuff needed for a baby, or not needed). Does a baby really need a diaper warmer? Can't I just use a regular swaddling blanket, instead of ones with Velcro? Is all of this stuff necessary? Do I need it? The biggest question I ask is, will it truly save me time and sanity if I purchase this product? Every mother and ever baby is different. It's great to get advice, but what do I need to just try on my own?

The one thing I am really, really excited about are all the midwife visits. I'm kinda a health nerd, but I am so looking forward to hearing the heart beat, getting an ultrasound, see the baby for the first time in my tummy, and finding out what we are having. I am not so concerned about motherhood as I am about overwhelming "Producthood". Thoughts?

11 weeks

Monday, March 1, 2010

Beauty School Drop Out...

Last week I withdrew from 7 of my 13 credits. It was a really difficult decision, but one that I know had to be made. Despite the surprised flexibility of all my teachers and TA's, I still couldn't seem to follow along in all my classes. Each day, as I fell further behind, it was harder to go to class, very stressful, and making my immunities even weaker than what they already are due to pregnancy. Right now, I'm taking two health courses. They are easy, and I enjoy the balance I have now. I'm able to take naps if I get sick. I'm able to stay healthier. It's a great thing.

Luckily my momma came in town. It was great to have her. I was crying out for support, and she was there to give it to me. She came at a time when I needed her most. She helped me through my kidney stone, and the worst days of nausea. Thank you so much Mom! I love you!!!

Brad and I during my 7th week. That day, I felt great!!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A New Journey

Last summer I went to Seattle, WA to visit my Sister-in-Law Angela, her husband Shane, and their cute baby Wesley. I went to go get to know them better, but also to see if I really wanted to be a parent sometime soon. I had two options for myself. 1. Save up for a European Vacation with Brad. 2. Try to have a baby. After my wonderful experience feeding Wesley, watching him, reading to him, I knew what I wanted! Now, how would I convince Brad to want the same thing?

Well, it didn't take much convincing. We started trying to have a a baby on our 2 year anniversary on November 30th. I tried hard not to be disappointed when I found out two weeks later that I was not pregnant. I knew the statistics and that it took healthy couples up to a year to get pregnant.

A week after finals started, we were on the plane to enjoy and much needed Christmas vacation with family and friends. I had not seen Brad so relaxed in such a long time- it was wonderful. We came home Jan. 4th, back to school, back to Provo, back to the "real world." The 15th of January came and I was showering before school. I went to go wash my belly and it felt differently. It was kinda hard in the middle of my lower abdomen. I didn't really think much of it, but decided- since I had a pregnancy test in my vanity drawer, I would just take it and see. To my sheer surprise and delight I got a blue + sign. What? A plus sign!? I'm pregnant!!! I didn't know what to do. I paced the floors then got on my knees to thank God for blessing us with a baby so soon!

Much to my dismay I lost my phone. I couldn't call Brad to tell him the amazing news!! So, I got on g-chat and the first person there was Angela. I was so excited that I spilled the beans. I quickly got dressed after chatting with her and walked to school to see if my phone was there because I wanted to tell Brad so badly what happened.

I found my phone, and water bottle in the Y-Be-Fit office. YAY!!! I immediately dialed Brad and said, "Guess what" You are not going to believe this!" and he answered, "What?" "I'm pregnant," I said with bright enthusiasm. "Really!" Brad replied. Then he said, we need to go to the doctors to make this official. So, he called the midwife to ask about the pee tests.

A few moments later, he picked me up from home while I was telling my Mom and Dad the exciting news. We went into the midwife clinic in Orem and I had to pee so bad I could barely stand it. The secretary there made me fill out an info chart and all I wanted to do was pee!!!! Finally they called me back, I went, put the cup in the little box carved out of the wall, and waited.

Kim, said, "Leslie, you can come on back." We walked it with eagerness. "Well, Congrats you're pregnant! Your due date is Sept. 22." I got a little teary-eyed, but I was mostly ecstatic. I went to target right away to get a journal to document this journey while Brad called his family to tell them the good news.

I kept thinking, wow! you're really pregnant! You did it! I couldn't go to school that day, I was too excited. Besides, I wanted to see my dad who happened to fly in that day.

Fast forward two long weeks later. Everything is so hard to do. Transitioning from the bed to the bathroom is a chore. I was never picky before- now I am super picky. These are the foods I've lived off of for the past week (which has seemed like an eternity):
  • 1% Chocolate milk
  • Special K cereal with strawberries in it
  • Bananas
  • Soda Crackers
  • water
  • toast
I get heartburn sometimes and I get nauseous if I don't eat frequently. Today I woke up, went in the kitchened, and gagged because it smelled so bad. I'm really sensitive to smells. I was fine with our tap water before, now I cant' stand the taste. Brad cleaned the whole house this morning while I fell back asleep. What a good man!

Right now, I'm trying to stay afloat in all my classes, and trying to get better from a virus that I caught over a week ago. Anyway, I know that I'm only 6 weeks and that this was a super long blog post, but family only reads this anyway, and I just thought I'd tell you a little about what has been happening.

Thanks again to the Gottula's for my much needed care package! You guys rock!

Friday, January 8, 2010


I failed Math 119 my first semester at BYU. It was very devastating. I go from being a 4.0 student to completely failing a class. I took the class is the Jesse Knight Building on campus- a seemingly heartless place that is very difficult to navigate. The professor, who's name I purposefully forgot a long time ago I still can't remember, and would rather not. He was a cold and stern old man who had a gut and a thick mustache. He made students cry on several occasions because of his belittling tactics and was always a master at making himself appear much smarter and better than all of his impotent students.

Two years later, I'm back in the same room of the same building I had it to begin with. I start to get nauseous as I climb the stairs up to the classroom. I sit down to discover a long lost friend is in the class with me. I was thrilled! I don't have to be here alone, and she can help distract me from the painful memories of the class.

My teacher walks in. She is a sweet southern lady who is very beautiful and tall. She could have been a basketball player in her earlier years. As the class went on, I felt like most of the material clicked in my head. I understood her teaching- for the first time in my life from a math teacher!!!

Needless to say, I am so thrilled and thankful that I am retaking calculus from such an awesome teacher!!! Maybe I can pull a C?

About Me

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Brad and Leslie meet in Maryland when Brad was about to turn 3 and Leslie was just born. They grew up in the same ward for a while and eventually got married when Leslie was only 19 and Brad was 22. They are currently attending school at BYU. Brad is an Information Technology major, and Leslie is a Public Health major. They plan to stay in UT for 4 years and go to grad school during that time. Leslie and Brad are expecting a baby September 22, 2010. They are so excited!