My dear friends and family, my its been a long time. Four moves, 2 semesters, one internship, and one graduation later, I'm back! Back to the blogging world. Being a new stay at home mom, I'm going a little bit crazy trying to fill my time with MEANINGFUL enjoyment. I don't know a single soul in VA, so now is a great time to get caught up on our blog.
Ruby eats. Ruby is, according to her pediatrician "off the richter scale for weight." However she said it wasn't necessary to put her on a diet. I find it funny that her cousins struggled with gaining weight, but not my Ruby! Home girl is well above the 100th percentile. But I don't think she looks like she is. She's in the 70th percentile for height, she is so active, and now she's starting to walk.
I love how she walks as though she is walking through mud puddles, lifting her legs so high and deliberately. She is so cute!
Ruby speaks. Ruby says things like "hi", "Bye", "Mama", "Dada", "Poppop", "Gigi", "Baba", "woof", "Thank you", and "Charlie" (Charlie is my parents dog). Turns out she loves dogs.
Well, Ruby woke from her nap. Time to read, play, and look outside at the rain!