Thursday, December 8, 2011

New Calling

I was asked to meet with the Bishop at 9pm on Tuesday night. 9pm? I am in bed by then because Ruby usually wakes up at 5:30.

I wasn't going to dress up, but I decide to dress up.

The Bishop goes on this long speech about how this calling was totally inspired, everyone had prayed and gotten the conformation that I was the one, and that God really wants me in this calling.

So...I accepted the call to serve in the YW's presidency as 2nd counselor. I've never been in YW's before, so this will be interesting, but I know I will love the girls!!! I am excited and scared all at the same time!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Poison Control

I went to my second "Play Date" ever today. First, Ruby fell down the stairs at the house. Next, Ruby thought it would be fun to sling her roman noodles on the floor. Third, Ruby grabs a dishwasher soap tablet and eats the soap. Forth, she cries and throws up. Fifth, she spills chocolate milk shake all over my friends clean cream colored carpet.

I am a bad mom. Just when I thought I could keep up with Ruby and her tricks, she develops new ones. I'm falling behind.

Luckily Ruby is fine. My nerves are shot. Good thing my friend who hosted the play date has 6 kids, and has "see everything that kids do." She even told me of a time she found her oldest hard asleep in her bedroom, naked, after she managed to play with her poop like play dough and get it EVERYWHERE!

At least Ruby would rather eat soap then play with her poop. (hehe)

On some happier notes, her are some cool things about Ruby:

-She loves play places at fast food restaurants. She won't eat while she's there because she is so excited to play, so I don't even have to pay for crappy food. She's a cheap date!

- She figured out how to go down the stairs all by herself. I didn't even teacher her. She likes the scoot down on the butt method.

- When she hears Brad on the phone she says "Hi Dada!!!" in the cutest, most excited voice ever!!!

- She is starting to wear 24 month and 2T clothes! ...too big, to fast. What happened to my baby?

- She loves helping me out! Ruby will obey commands like, "Go throw this away please." "Hand me this please." She assists with dusting, folding the laundry, and even helps me unload the dishwasher!!! I seriously could ask for a better helper. And she's only 14 months old! I guess that means she is going to be an excellent big sister.

Well, maybe Ruby and God will forgive me for not doing my best for looking after my sweet girl. I love her so much, and hope to be a better mom, because she deserves it!

About Me

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Brad and Leslie meet in Maryland when Brad was about to turn 3 and Leslie was just born. They grew up in the same ward for a while and eventually got married when Leslie was only 19 and Brad was 22. They are currently attending school at BYU. Brad is an Information Technology major, and Leslie is a Public Health major. They plan to stay in UT for 4 years and go to grad school during that time. Leslie and Brad are expecting a baby September 22, 2010. They are so excited!