Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Battle with Deception

Have you ever reflected on your life, and felt like you could do more, or rather, want to do more? How can Mrs. So and So raise 6 kids, be PTA presidents, Young Women's President, all star home maker, have the perfect house that is neatly organized, have a model body, handsome husband, and what seems to be the perfect marriage? Have these comparisons stabbed you to your very core to the point of despair, depression, and discouragement with your own life?

It's so easy in today's world to be deceived. There is photo shop, make-up, spanx's underwear that make you look 20 pounds lighter, plastic surgery, and the list goes on. Deception comes from the adversary. He wants us to be decieved until he traps us and we can't excape.

I know that truth, not lies and deception make a person truly happy!

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About Me

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Brad and Leslie meet in Maryland when Brad was about to turn 3 and Leslie was just born. They grew up in the same ward for a while and eventually got married when Leslie was only 19 and Brad was 22. They are currently attending school at BYU. Brad is an Information Technology major, and Leslie is a Public Health major. They plan to stay in UT for 4 years and go to grad school during that time. Leslie and Brad are expecting a baby September 22, 2010. They are so excited!